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Flooring Restoration

Home / Flooring Restoration

A craftsman working on a piece in his woodworking workshop.
Refinishing a hardwood floor with a professional sanding machine.

Flooring Restoration

Rediscover the beauty and charm of your floors with Bonus Floor's specialised flooring restoration services in London. Our team of skilled craftsmen brings a wealth of experience and a keen eye for detail to every restoration project.


Whether it's reviving the elegance of aged wood or repairing damage, we are dedicated to restoring your floors to their former glory, or even better. Using a blend of traditional techniques and modern technology, we ensure that every inch of your flooring receives the care and attention it deserves.


Get in touch with us to breathe new life into your floors and transform your living space with our bespoke restoration solutions.

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Quality Flooring Restoration

Wooden Floor

Ready to transform your home’s flooring? Get in touch for a personalised quote and let’s start your flooring journey today!

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